Regular detergents can come in powder, liquid and capsule form, and popular brands besides Ariel includeアタック (Attack) and Nanox (in English). You may be curious whether the detergent has bleach or not, in this case you need to look for: 漂白剤 (Hyouhakuzai) which means it contains bleach. However, once you have found the detergents you might be wondering what exactly you are buying! Luckily there are some international brands which you can easily recognize because of their brand logo, but in general when looking at detergent there are some key things to watch out for. If in doubt whether a store stocks detergent or not, or where it is, you can ask: Sentaku senzai ga arimasu ka? (洗濯洗剤がありますか?) (Products and prices listed are for reference only.) (1) “Attack / アタック” – a powder-form detergent.